- Play for the enjoyment and not just to please parents or coaches.
- Make every effort to develop their own sporting abilities in terms of skill, techniques, tactics and stamina.
- Give maximum effort and strive for the best possible performance during a game.
- Avoid all forms of gamesmanship and time wasting.
- Not use inappropriate language.
- Make every effort consistent with Fair Play and the Laws of the Game to help his own team win.
- Know and abide by the laws, rules and spirit of the game and the competition rules.
- Accept success and failure, victory and defeat equally.
- Treat opponents with due respect at all times, irrespective of the result of the game.
- Avoid violence and rough play and assist injured opponents.
- Avoid words or actions that might mislead the referee.
- Show due respect to the referee and abide by his decisions at all times.
- Follow the instructions of their coach and team officials, provided that they do not contradict with the spirit of this code.
- Not wear watches or jewelry and should not play if ill or injured.
- Wear proper shin pads when training and playing in matches.